
Today is Tanabata

2011年 7月 7日、
◎ お金持ちになりたい
◎ 色気を出したい
◎ アンドロイドauがほしい などなど‥

July, 7, 2011,
Today is Tanabata. Then, The lab's members made a bamboo decoration for Tanabata to take a short rest yesterday. What did they wrote their wish on papers ? For example is ‥‥
◎ I want to be a rich person
◎ I want to be a sexy lady

◎ I want to get a Android au   and so on
This time, I knew that they are honest.

Erik's experiment

2011年7月1日、この日からイケメン留学生Erikの実験が始まりました。彼の専門は数値シミュレーション。Tholin生成実験は今回が初めてとい うことで、この経験は彼にとって今までに無い刺激的な内容であったと思います。私自身も今までに無いくらいの英語漬けを経験し、今ならTOEIC で良い点がとれそうな気がします。4日間という短い時間でしたが実験は成功。現在(7/6)は、作ったサンプルの測定結果を待つのみといった状況です。

July, 1, 2011, The experiment of Erik who is handsome student from abroad started from this day. He is expert in the simulation of haze model. Becase this was his first experiment, I think that this experiment was exciting him. I was also excited about English-speaking environment, maybe I get a good TOEIC score. We spended 4 days on the experiment and successed. Now (7/6), we are waiting to get the results of measurements.


Erik has come !

Erik Larson came to Sugita Lab on 21st June for summer internship by JSPS.
He is a doctoral candidate from University of Colorado Boulder and has worked a GCM model.
Erik is going to conduct "tholin", organic aerosol, experiments and will be here until late August.

Erik Larsonさんが日本学術振興会による若手交流事業の一環として杉田研にやってきました。